woensdag 2 november 2016

WorldWideImporters Data warehouse Datamodels


Just a small blogpost about the data models of World wide Importers data warehouse (WorldWideImportersDW). I just wanted to get an overview of the data warehouse models of World Wide Importers demo database of SQL Server 2016. There seems to be 6 facts:
  • Order
  • Sale 
  • Purchase
  • Stock Holding
  • Movement
  • Transaction
WideWorldImportersDW is the main database for data warehousing and analytics (OLAP – OnLine Analytics Processing). The data in this database is derived from the transactional database WideWorldImporters, but it uses a schema that is specifically optimized for analytics.


This is the order fact of the WorldWide Importers database and there a couple of (role playing) dimensions here:
  • Order date and Picked Date (Date)
  • SalesPerson and Picker (Employee)
  • City
  • Date
  • Customer
  • StockItem


The sales fact contains almost the same dimensions as the order fact. There are a couple of (role playing) dimensions here:
  • InvoiceDate and DeliveryDate (Date).
  • SalesPerson (Employee).
  • City.
  • Date.
  • Customer and BillToCustomer (Customer).
  • StockItem


The purchase Fact has the following dimensions :
  • Date
  • Supplier
  • StockItem

Stock holding 

The StockHolding is a bit weird fact, in my opinion. I don't why and how but there seems to be one dimension: 
  • Stock holding


The movement fact has the following dimensions:
  • Date
  • StockItem
  • Customer
  • Supplier
  • TransactionType


And the last one, Transaction has the following dimensions:

  • Date
  • Customer and BillToCustomer (customer)
  • Supplier
  • TransactionType
  • PaymentMethod


A simple and overview of the WorldWideImporters demo database of SQL Server 2016.



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