zondag 10 september 2017

Azure : Setting up a SQL DW (MPP)


In this blogpost I'll describe a walkthrough of setting up of a SQL DW in Azure. This is the MPP solution of Microsoft in the cloud. As you will see in this blogpost setting up a SQL DW is very easy in Azure.

Settung up the SQL DW

1. Sign up for the SQL DW in Azure.

2. Click New, choose database and then SQL Data warehouse create.

3. The next step is configuring the database and the Server.

4. And don't forget to select Select when you configure the Server. When all is setup correctly press Create. It will take some time to create the SQL Data warehouse. Wait for the notification of successful deployment. 

5. Now next step is adding your client pc you're working on to the Firewall settings

Connecting to the SQL DW from my local VM

6. Next step is spinning up a local VM and try to connect to the SQLDW instance

7. And this succeeds..


This is a blogpost about how to setup a SQLDW in the Azure. Setting up a basic SQL DW is very simple. Working with the client tools with Azure is also easy to achieve.


zaterdag 26 augustus 2017

Azure : Building a VM with SQL Server in Microsoft Azure


In this blogpost I'll show you how to create a VM in Microsoft Azure. The purpose of this blogpost is describing the steps installing the VM. I'm doing this for an Edx course I'm currently following. Now what confuses me a bit is the option of installing a VM with SQL

Creating a VM with SQL Server 2016

First login into Microsoft Azure and click on Virtual Machines in the left blade.

Choose the Free license SQL Server 2016 SP1 Developer on Windows Server 2016.

In the next step it's possible to choose the deployment model. I choose to use the standard : Resource manager.

Now fill in some basic information about the VM.

Next step is to choose the size of the VM. There are different pricing models.

Next step is setting up the Storage, network information. I choose the cheaper option HDD. 

Now, the next step is is setting up the SQL Server settings.

And the last step contains an overview of all of the settings of the Virtual machine.

Scrolling down will show some more information

Creating the VM will take a 15 - 20 minutes.

And this is an overview of the settings of the VM.


This blogpost is about creating a VM with Microsoft Azure and spinning up a VM is very easy.


maandag 26 juni 2017

SQL : Deploying a SSIS project with a stored procedure


A blogpost of Hans Michiels caught my attention when I was looking on how to deploy SSIS packages to the SSIS Catalog in SQL Server in a standard manner. The problem I had was that it was bit time consuming to deploy SSIS packages and I wanted to create projects, environments and environment variables on the fly from a script.

This blogpost and this stored procedure is written for a particular situation and I don't suggest that you can use it in every situation. In my situation it works perfectly but no guarantees that it will work in every situation. Test it and try it your self (and not in a production environment ;-) )

Used model

For this script, I've used the following model to understand the working of the SSIS catalog and Visual Studio SSIS project. On the left the Visual studio SSIS project is shown with the project "Project" and the parameters "Parameter1" and "Parameter2".

On the right hand of the picture, the SSIS Catalog with a folder, the project and the environment is depicted. The project in the SSIS catalog is a deployed project of the VS SSIS project. The deployed project in the SSIS catalog is connected with the environment and the parameters and environment variables are also connected.


For this blog post I created a couple of project parameters in the SSIS Visual Studio project. A couple of connectionstrings that I pass to the connection mangers in the SSIS project.

The Stored Procedure 

In the box below, I've copied the stored procedure that I've created and there are a couple of things to keep in mind. First, the parameters of the stored procedure are important. These parameters controls the behavior of the stored procedure:
  • @folder_name : the name of the folder in the SSIS catalog. Anything is possible.
  • @environment_name : The name of the environment (DEV or TEST)
  • @environment_description : a free text description.
  • @project_name : This is the name of the SSISproject as entered in the properties in the VS project. This is important because this is needed for deploying of the ispac file (built VS SSIS project).
  • @ispacpath :  The path and the name of the built ispac file.
  • @SQLServerName : This parameter is used in the connectionstrings that are passed to the connectionmanagers in the SSIS packages. Working with @@Servername is handy but not always use able when working on multiple systems.
  • @projectparam1. This could be another setting that you want to change in case you deploy the SSIS project to a server. 
The stored procedure code is copied in the box below:

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_CreateAndDeploySSISProject
    @folder_name AS sysname, 
    @environment_name AS nvarchar(128),
    @environment_description AS nvarchar(128),
    @project_name AS nvarchar(128),  
    @ispacpath AS nvarchar(500) , 
    @SQLServerName AS  nvarchar(100), 
    @projectparam1 AS  nvarchar(100)                               
 --Variables Section
 DECLARE @environment_variables_table TABLE(
  [id] int identity(1, 1),
  [variable_name] nvarchar(128),
  [data_type] nvarchar(128),
  [sensitive] bit,
  [value] nvarchar(4000),
  [description] nvarchar(1024)
 DECLARE @object_parameter_value_table TABLE(
  [id] int identity(1, 1),
  [object_type] smallint,
  [object_name] nvarchar(260),
  [parameter_name] nvarchar(128),
  [parameter_value] sql_variant,
  [value_type] char(1)
 DECLARE @id int
 DECLARE @max_id int
 --             DECLARE @folder_name sysname
 --             DECLARE @environment_name nvarchar(128)
 --             DECLARE @environment_description nvarchar(128)
 --             DECLARE @project_name nvarchar(128)
 DECLARE @variable_name nvarchar(128)
 DECLARE @data_type nvarchar(128)
 DECLARE @sensitive bit
 DECLARE @value sql_variant
 DECLARE @value_tinyint tinyint
 DECLARE @description nvarchar(1024)
 DECLARE @nsql nvarchar(max)
 DECLARE @object_type smallint
 DECLARE @object_name nvarchar(260)
 DECLARE @value_type CHAR(1)
 DECLARE @parameter_name nvarchar(128)
 DECLARE @parameter_value sql_variant
 --    DECLARE @ProjectBinary as varbinary(max)
 DECLARE @operation_id as bigint
 DECLARE @ispacbinary as varbinary(max)
 --    DECLARE @ispacpath as nvarchar(500)
 --    DECLARE @servername as nvarchar(100)
 --Setting the variables
 --SET @folder_name = N'SSISBIFolder5'
 --SET @environment_name = N'DEV'
 --SET @environment_description = N'Development environment'
 --SET @project_name=N'SSISBI'
 --SET @ispacpath = 'D:\SSISProject\.....\SSISBI.ispac'
 IF  @folder_name IS NULL OR 
  @environment_name IS NULL OR
  @environment_description IS NULL OR
  @project_name IS NULL OR
  @ispacpath IS NULL OR
  @projectparam1 IS NULL
  Print 'One (or more) parameters is/are empty!! Aborting'
 --SET @SQLservername = CONVERT(sysname, SERVERPROPERTY('servername'))
 -- Create Folder
 PRINT '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 PRINT 'Creating folder ' + @folder_name
 PRINT '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
  FROM [SSISDB].[internal].[folders]
  WHERE [name] = @folder_name
  SET @nsql = N'[SSISDB].[catalog].[create_folder] N''' +  @folder_name + ''';'
  PRINT @nsql;
  EXEC sp_executesql @nsql;
  PRINT 'Not able to (re) create folder ' + @folder_name  + ' because it already exists'

 --Create the environment and add the variables.
 PRINT '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 PRINT 'Creating Environment ' + @environment_name  + ' in the folder ' + @folder_name
 PRINT '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
  FROM [SSISDB].[internal].[environments] E
  INNER JOIN [SSISDB].[internal].[folders] F ON E.folder_id = F.folder_id
  WHERE [environment_name] = @environment_name
  AND F.[name] = @folder_name
  SET @nsql = N'[SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment] N''' + @folder_name + ''',N''' +
               @environment_name + ''',N''' +  @environment_description + ''';'
  PRINT @nsql;
  EXEC sp_executesql @nsql;
  PRINT 'Not able to (re) create Environment ' + @environment_name  + ' because it already exists in the folder ' + @folder_name

 -- Delete and add the environment variables to the Environment
 PRINT '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 PRINT 'Deleting and adding Environmentvariables in ' + @environment_name
 PRINT '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 INSERT INTO @environment_variables_table
  ( [variable_name], [data_type], [sensitive], [value], [description] )
    ( N'envMartConnectionString', N'String', 0, N'Data Source=' + @SQLservername + ';Initial Catalog=Mart;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;', N'Connection string for Mart')
  , ( N'envMetaConnectionString', N'String', 0, N'Data Source=' + @SQLservername  + ';Initial Catalog=rMeta;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;', N'Connection string for Meta' )
  , ( N'envStagingConnectionString', N'String', 0, N'Data Source=' + @SQLservername  + ';Initial Catalog=Staging;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;', N'Connection string for Staging' )
  , ( N'envSourceConnectionString', N'String', 0, N'USER=<user> <Somevariables> <HOST>=' + @projectparam1 + ' PASSWD=!@#@#!@%%$%', N'Connection string for source' )
 SELECT @id = 1, @max_id = MAX([id]) FROM @environment_variables_table
 WHILE @id <= @max_id
   @variable_name = v.variable_name,
   @data_type = v.data_type,
   @sensitive = v.sensitive,
   @value = v.value,
   @description = v.[description]
  FROM @environment_variables_table v
  WHERE [id] = @id;
   FROM [SSISDB].[internal].[environment_variables] V
   INNER JOIN [SSISDB].[internal].[environments] E ON E.environment_id = V.environment_id
   INNER JOIN [SSISDB].[internal].[folders] F ON E.folder_id = F.folder_id
   WHERE V.[name] = @variable_name
   AND E.environment_name = @environment_name
   AND F.[name] = @folder_name
   SET @nsql = N'EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[delete_environment_variable] '
    + N'@folder_name = N'''+ @folder_name + ''', @environment_name = N''' + @environment_name + ''', '
    + N'@variable_name = N''' + @variable_name + ''''
   PRINT @nsql;
   EXEC sp_executesql @nsql;
  --PRINT '/*'
  --PRINT @variable_name
  --PRINT CONVERT(nvarchar(128), SQL_VARIANT_PROPERTY(@value, 'BaseType'));
  --PRINT '*/'
  SET @nsql = N'EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] '
   + N'@folder_name = N'''+ @folder_name + ''', @environment_name = N''' + @environment_name + ''', '
   + N'@variable_name = N'''+ @variable_name + ''', @data_type = N''' + @data_type + ''', '
   + N'@sensitive = ' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR, @sensitive) + ', @description = N''' + @description + ''', '
   + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + N'@value = ' +
   CASE UPPER(@data_type)
   WHEN 'String' THEN 'N''' + CONVERT(NVARCHAR(1000), @value) + ''' '
   ELSE CONVERT(NVARCHAR(1000), @value)
   END + '; '
  PRINT @nsql;
  EXEC sp_executesql @nsql;
  SET @id = @id + 1
 -- Deploy the SSIS project (ispac) in the SSIS Catalog
 PRINT '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 PRINT 'Deploy the ispac of the SSIS project in the SSIS Catalog '
 PRINT '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 SET @nsql = 'SET @ispacBinary = (SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N''' + @ispacpath + ''', SINGLE_BLOB) as BinaryData)'
 print @nsql
   @Query  = @nsql
  , @Params = N'@ispacBinary varbinary(max) OUTPUT'
  , @ispacBinary = @ispacBinary OUTPUT
 SET @nsql = N'EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[deploy_project] '
    + N'@folder_name = N'''+ @folder_name + ''', @project_name = N''' + @project_name + ''', '
    + N'@Project_Stream = @ispacBinary'
 PRINT @nsql;
 EXEC sp_executesql @nsql, N'@ispacBinary varbinary(MAX)', @ispacBinary = @ispacBinary;
 --Create the environment and add the variables.
 PRINT '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 PRINT 'Creating an environmentreference  in ' + @environment_name
 PRINT '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 Declare @reference_id bigint
   FROM [SSISDB].[internal].[environment_references] R
   INNER JOIN [SSISDB].[internal].[projects] P ON P.project_id = R.project_id
   INNER JOIN [SSISDB].[internal].[folders] F ON P.folder_id = F.folder_id
   WHERE P.name = @project_name
   AND R.environment_name = @environment_name
   AND F.[name] = @folder_name
  SET @nsql = N'EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_reference] '
   + N'@environment_name = N''' + @environment_name + ''', '
   + N'@reference_id = @reference_id , @project_name = N''' + @project_name + ''', '
   + N'@folder_name = N''' + @folder_name + ''', @reference_type = N''' + 'R' +''''
  PRINT @nsql;
  EXEC sp_executesql @nsql, N'@reference_id bigint', @reference_id = @reference_id;
 -- Connect the environment variables with the project parameters
 PRINT '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 PRINT 'Connect the environment variables with the project parameters'
 PRINT '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 INSERT INTO @object_parameter_value_table (
   ( 20, N'', N'MartConnectionString', N'envMartConnectionString', 'R')
 , ( 20, N'', N'MetaConnectionString', N'envMetaConnectionString', 'R')
 , ( 20, N'', N'StagingConnectionString', N'envStagingConnectionString', 'R')
 , ( 20, N'', N'SourceConnectionString', N'envSourceConnectionString', 'R')

 SELECT @id = 1, @max_id = MAX([id]) FROM @object_parameter_value_table
 WHILE @id <= @max_id
   @object_type = v.[object_type],
   @object_name = v.[object_name],
   @parameter_name = v.[parameter_name],
   @parameter_value = v.[parameter_value],
   @value_type = v.[value_type]
  FROM @object_parameter_value_table v
  WHERE [id] = @id;
  SET @value_type = 'R'
  --SET @parameter_value = @parameter_name;
  SET @nsql = N'EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]'
   + N'@object_type = ''' + CAST(@object_type AS nvarchar(10)) + ''', '
   + N'@folder_name = N''' + @folder_name + ''', '
   + N'@project_name = N''' + @project_name + ''', '
   + N'@parameter_name = N''' + @parameter_name + ''', '
   + N'@parameter_value = N''' + CAST(@parameter_value AS Nvarchar(100)) + ''', '
   + N'@object_name = N''' + @object_name + ''', '
   + N'@value_type = N''' + @value_type + ''';'
  PRINT @nsql;
  EXEC sp_executesql @nsql, N'@reference_id bigint', @reference_id = @reference_id;
  SET @id = @id + 1
 PRINT '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
 PRINT 'Done'
 PRINT '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'

Deploying a SSIS project to the SSIS Catalog

Now let's try this stored procedure and see what happens. Don't forget to make a note of the Name of the SSISProject. That name is needed as a parameter for the stored procedure.

The next step is to build the project. This will create a new ispac file and the location of the ispac file is used in the stored procedure. Store the location of the ispac file in notepad.

Creating a SSIS project in a SSISfolder

First let's show how the SSIS catalog looks like.

This is the execution code of the Stored Procedure:

USE [TestSSISProjects]

DECLARE @folder_name sysname
DECLARE @environment_name nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @environment_description nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @project_name nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @ispacpath nvarchar(500)
DECLARE @SQLServerName nvarchar(100)
DECLARE @projectparam1 nvarchar(100)

-- Create a SSIS project in SSISFolder1
SET @folder_name =  'SSISFolder1'
SET @environment_name =   'DEV'
SET @environment_description = 'Development'
SET @project_name =  'TestSSISProject'
SET @ispacpath = 'D:\tmp\TestSSISProject\TestSSISProject\bin\Development\TestSSISProject.ispac'
SET @SQLServerName = NULL
SET @projectparam1 = 'SourceServer'

EXECUTE @RC = [dbo].[usp_CreateAndDeploySSISProject] 

Executing this piece of code results in the following log from the stored procedure.

Creating folder SSISFolder1
[SSISDB].[catalog].[create_folder] N'SSISFolder1';

Creating Environment DEV in the folder SSISFolder1
[SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment] N'SSISFolder1',N'DEV',N'Development';

Deleting and adding Environmentvariables in DEV

(4 row(s) affected)
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @environment_name = N'DEV', @variable_name = N'envMartConnectionString', @data_type = N'String', @sensitive = 0, @description = N'Connection string for Mart', 
@value = N'Data Source=SQL2017CTP21;Initial Catalog=Mart;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;' ; 
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @environment_name = N'DEV', @variable_name = N'envMetaConnectionString', @data_type = N'String', @sensitive = 0, @description = N'Connection string for Meta', 
@value = N'Data Source=SQL2017CTP21;Initial Catalog=rMeta;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;' ; 
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @environment_name = N'DEV', @variable_name = N'envStagingConnectionString', @data_type = N'String', @sensitive = 0, @description = N'Connection string for Staging', 
@value = N'Data Source=SQL2017CTP21;Initial Catalog=Staging;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;' ; 
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @environment_name = N'DEV', @variable_name = N'envSourceConnectionString', @data_type = N'String', @sensitive = 0, @description = N'Connection string for source', 
@value = N'USER=<user> <Somevariables> <HOST>=SourceServer PASSWD=!@#@#!@%%$%' ; 

Deploy the ispac of the SSIS project in the SSIS Catalog 
SET @ispacBinary = (SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N'D:\tmp\TestSSISProject\TestSSISProject\bin\Development\TestSSISProject.ispac', SINGLE_BLOB) as BinaryData)
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[deploy_project] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @project_name = N'TestSSISProject', @Project_Stream = @ispacBinary

Creating an environmentreference  in DEV
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_reference] @environment_name = N'DEV', @reference_id = @reference_id , @project_name = N'TestSSISProject', @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @reference_type = N'R'

Connect the environment variables with the project parameters

(4 row(s) affected)
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]@object_type = '20', @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @project_name = N'TestSSISProject', @parameter_name = N'MartConnectionString', @parameter_value = N'envMartConnectionString', @object_name = N'', @value_type = N'R';
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]@object_type = '20', @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @project_name = N'TestSSISProject', @parameter_name = N'MetaConnectionString', @parameter_value = N'envMetaConnectionString', @object_name = N'', @value_type = N'R';
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]@object_type = '20', @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @project_name = N'TestSSISProject', @parameter_name = N'StagingConnectionString', @parameter_value = N'envStagingConnectionString', @object_name = N'', @value_type = N'R';
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]@object_type = '20', @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @project_name = N'TestSSISProject', @parameter_name = N'SourceConnectionString', @parameter_value = N'envSourceConnectionString', @object_name = N'', @value_type = N'R';


And now a SSIS Catalog folder with a SSIS project and an environment is created

And now I can execute the SSIS package(s) with the environment variables of the SSISCatalog :

Adding a SSIS project to an existing folder
Now I can add another SSIS project in the SSIS Catalog folder. Let's try that. Don't forget to rename the project (in this testsituation) and execute a build.

Execute the following code:

DECLARE @folder_name sysname
DECLARE @environment_name nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @environment_description nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @project_name nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @ispacpath nvarchar(500)
DECLARE @SQLServerName nvarchar(100)
DECLARE @projectparam1 nvarchar(100)

SET @folder_name =  'SSISFolder1'
SET @environment_name =   'DEV'
SET @environment_description = 'Development'
SET @project_name =  'TestSSISProject2'
SET @ispacpath = 'D:\tmp\TestSSISProject\TestSSISProject\bin\Development\TestSSISProject2.ispac'
SET @SQLServerName = NULL
SET @projectparam1 = 'SourceServer'

EXECUTE @RC = [dbo].[usp_CreateAndDeploySSISProject] 

Here is the logging again:

Creating folder SSISFolder1
Not able to (re) create folder SSISFolder1 because it already exists

Creating Environment DEV in the folder SSISFolder1
Not able to (re) create Environment DEV because it already exists in the folder SSISFolder1

Deleting and adding Environmentvariables in DEV

(4 row(s) affected)
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[delete_environment_variable] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @environment_name = N'DEV', @variable_name = N'envMartConnectionString'
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @environment_name = N'DEV', @variable_name = N'envMartConnectionString', @data_type = N'String', @sensitive = 0, @description = N'Connection string for Mart', 
@value = N'Data Source=SQL2017CTP21;Initial Catalog=Mart;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;' ; 
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[delete_environment_variable] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @environment_name = N'DEV', @variable_name = N'envMetaConnectionString'
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @environment_name = N'DEV', @variable_name = N'envMetaConnectionString', @data_type = N'String', @sensitive = 0, @description = N'Connection string for Meta', 
@value = N'Data Source=SQL2017CTP21;Initial Catalog=rMeta;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;' ; 
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[delete_environment_variable] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @environment_name = N'DEV', @variable_name = N'envStagingConnectionString'
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @environment_name = N'DEV', @variable_name = N'envStagingConnectionString', @data_type = N'String', @sensitive = 0, @description = N'Connection string for Staging', 
@value = N'Data Source=SQL2017CTP21;Initial Catalog=Staging;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;' ; 
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[delete_environment_variable] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @environment_name = N'DEV', @variable_name = N'envSourceConnectionString'
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @environment_name = N'DEV', @variable_name = N'envSourceConnectionString', @data_type = N'String', @sensitive = 0, @description = N'Connection string for source', 
@value = N'USER=<user> <Somevariables> <HOST>=SourceServer PASSWD=!@#@#!@%%$%' ; 

Deploy the ispac of the SSIS project in the SSIS Catalog 
SET @ispacBinary = (SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N'D:\tmp\TestSSISProject\TestSSISProject\bin\Development\TestSSISProject2.ispac', SINGLE_BLOB) as BinaryData)
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[deploy_project] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @project_name = N'TestSSISProject2', @Project_Stream = @ispacBinary

Creating an environmentreference  in DEV
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_reference] @environment_name = N'DEV', @reference_id = @reference_id , @project_name = N'TestSSISProject2', @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @reference_type = N'R'

Connect the environment variables with the project parameters

(4 row(s) affected)
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]@object_type = '20', @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @project_name = N'TestSSISProject2', @parameter_name = N'MartConnectionString', @parameter_value = N'envMartConnectionString', @object_name = N'', @value_type = N'R';
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]@object_type = '20', @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @project_name = N'TestSSISProject2', @parameter_name = N'MetaConnectionString', @parameter_value = N'envMetaConnectionString', @object_name = N'', @value_type = N'R';
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]@object_type = '20', @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @project_name = N'TestSSISProject2', @parameter_name = N'StagingConnectionString', @parameter_value = N'envStagingConnectionString', @object_name = N'', @value_type = N'R';
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]@object_type = '20', @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @project_name = N'TestSSISProject2', @parameter_name = N'SourceConnectionString', @parameter_value = N'envSourceConnectionString', @object_name = N'', @value_type = N'R';



And now a new project is placed besides the other project in the SISS folder in the SSIS catalog.

Adding an environment to an existing SSIS folder
It is also possible to add an extra enviroment in the SSIS folder in the SSIS catalog. In this case the same parameter values are used but off course it is a small step to make this flexible.

DECLARE @folder_name sysname
DECLARE @environment_name nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @environment_description nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @project_name nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @ispacpath nvarchar(500)
DECLARE @SQLServerName nvarchar(100)
DECLARE @projectparam1 nvarchar(100)

SET @folder_name =  'SSISFolder1'
SET @environment_name =   'TST'
SET @environment_description = 'Test'
SET @project_name =  'TestSSISProject2'
SET @ispacpath = 'D:\tmp\TestSSISProject\TestSSISProject\bin\Development\TestSSISProject2.ispac'
SET @SQLServerName = NULL
SET @projectparam1 = 'SourceServer'

EXECUTE @RC = [dbo].[usp_CreateAndDeploySSISProject] 

Resulting in the following log information :

Creating folder SSISFolder1
Not able to (re) create folder SSISFolder1 because it already exists

Creating Environment TST in the folder SSISFolder1
[SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment] N'SSISFolder1',N'TST',N'Test';

Deleting and adding Environmentvariables in TST

(4 row(s) affected)
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @environment_name = N'TST', @variable_name = N'envMartConnectionString', @data_type = N'String', @sensitive = 0, @description = N'Connection string for Mart', 
@value = N'Data Source=SQL2017CTP21;Initial Catalog=Mart;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;' ; 
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @environment_name = N'TST', @variable_name = N'envMetaConnectionString', @data_type = N'String', @sensitive = 0, @description = N'Connection string for Meta', 
@value = N'Data Source=SQL2017CTP21;Initial Catalog=rMeta;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;' ; 
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @environment_name = N'TST', @variable_name = N'envStagingConnectionString', @data_type = N'String', @sensitive = 0, @description = N'Connection string for Staging', 
@value = N'Data Source=SQL2017CTP21;Initial Catalog=Staging;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;' ; 
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_variable] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @environment_name = N'TST', @variable_name = N'envSourceConnectionString', @data_type = N'String', @sensitive = 0, @description = N'Connection string for source', 
@value = N'USER=<user> <Somevariables> <HOST>=SourceServer PASSWD=!@#@#!@%%$%' ; 

Deploy the ispac of the SSIS project in the SSIS Catalog 
SET @ispacBinary = (SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N'D:\tmp\TestSSISProject\TestSSISProject\bin\Development\TestSSISProject2.ispac', SINGLE_BLOB) as BinaryData)
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[deploy_project] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @project_name = N'TestSSISProject2', @Project_Stream = @ispacBinary

Creating an environmentreference  in TST
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_environment_reference] @environment_name = N'TST', @reference_id = @reference_id , @project_name = N'TestSSISProject2', @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @reference_type = N'R'

Connect the environment variables with the project parameters

(4 row(s) affected)
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]@object_type = '20', @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @project_name = N'TestSSISProject2', @parameter_name = N'MartConnectionString', @parameter_value = N'envMartConnectionString', @object_name = N'', @value_type = N'R';
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]@object_type = '20', @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @project_name = N'TestSSISProject2', @parameter_name = N'MetaConnectionString', @parameter_value = N'envMetaConnectionString', @object_name = N'', @value_type = N'R';
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]@object_type = '20', @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @project_name = N'TestSSISProject2', @parameter_name = N'StagingConnectionString', @parameter_value = N'envStagingConnectionString', @object_name = N'', @value_type = N'R';
EXECUTE [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_object_parameter_value]@object_type = '20', @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @project_name = N'TestSSISProject2', @parameter_name = N'SourceConnectionString', @parameter_value = N'envSourceConnectionString', @object_name = N'', @value_type = N'R';


And this is how it looks like in the SSIS catalog :

Deleting a SSISfolder with all of its projects and environments (Blogpost for later)
Last step of this blogpost is to clean up the SSIS catalog. For this reason I've created another stored procedure : usp_DropSSISProject. This is not described in this blog post

USE [TestSSISProjects]

DECLARE @parfolder_name sysname
DECLARE @parenvironment_name nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @parproject_name nvarchar(128)
DECLARE @pardeleteall nchar(1)

SET @parfolder_name = 'SSISFolder1'
SET @parenvironment_name = NULL
SET @parproject_name  = NULL
SET @pardeleteall = 'Y'

EXECUTE @RC = [dbo].[usp_DropSSISProject] 

And executing the code will result in the following log information:

Delete all Project (s) in SSISFolder1

(2 row(s) affected)
[SSISDB].[catalog].[delete_project] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @project_name = N'TestSSISProject';
[SSISDB].[catalog].[delete_project] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @project_name = N'TestSSISProject2';

Delete Environment (s) in SSISFolder1

(2 row(s) affected)
[SSISDB].[catalog].[delete_environment] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @environment_name = N'DEV';
[SSISDB].[catalog].[delete_environment] @folder_name = N'SSISFolder1', @environment_name = N'TST';

Deleting folder SSISFolder1
[SSISDB].[catalog].[delete_folder] N'SSISFolder1';

The SSIS Catalog is empty now


This blogpsot describes the implementation of a stored procedure that creates folders, projects, environments and environment variables in an almost automated way.


woensdag 31 mei 2017

Error during install SQL Server 2017 CTP 2.1

I tried to install the CTP version 2.1 of SQL Server 2017 and ran into an error when starting the management studio.

FileMgr::StartLogFiles: Operating system error 2
(The system cannot find the file specified.) 
occurred while creating or opening file 
Diagnose and correct the operating system error, and retry the operation.

I  don't what I did or how but it seems a glitch in the CTP version. The only thing I can think of is that I changed the data and log folder to the D Drive. I selected all the options in the installation process.

I solved it by creating the required path and copying the Master, Model, tempdb and msdb databases and copy to this location d:\dbs\sh\sprel\0510_114453\cmd\31\obj\x64retail\sql\mkmastr\databases\mkmastr.proj\

I had some problems with security of the folders and files :

 FCB::Open failed: Could not open file 
 mkmastr.proj\model.mdf for file number 1.  
 OS error: 5(Access is denied.).

But this is easily solved by adding the MSSQLSERVER account to the folders security and propagate this to this folders beneath it.

Next problem was that the administrator login/user was not present in SQL Server. I managed to solve that by executing the following steps: Stopping/Starting the SQL Server process (net stop mssqlserver) and run it in single user mode (net start mssqlserver /m), add the administrator account and give it sysadmin rights and then stop and start the SQL Server with normal settings(net start mssqlserver).


dinsdag 30 mei 2017

Setting up Visual Studio Team Services


When a team of developers grows larger and larger it is a best practice to introduce Version Control in the project. Version control has some advantages :
  • A controlled way of working together on the same code.
  • Storing versions in order to understand the differences and to understand what happened during development of the code.
  • To see how much work a subproject/sprint was during evaluation.
  • As a backup for the code (in a former blogpost I described a way to automatically backup the project)
  • Creating multiple branches in the code in order to distinguish subprojects, Development and production code (eg. for hotfixes).

In this blogpost the following steps are described:
  • Step 1 : Create a sample project in Visual Studio
  • Step 2 : Create a Team Project
  • Step 3 : Connect to the Team project environment in Visual Studio.
  • Step 4:  Setup a workspace on your local system.
  • Step 5:  Add the project to Source control / Team project
  • Step 6:  Do some changes in the local VS project.
  • Step 7:  Check the online Team foundation Server environment.

Step 1: Create a sample project

First, lets make a solution with some examples in a Visual Studio project. The solution I've created for this blogpost includes a SQLProject, a SSISProject and a Tabular Project.

Step 2: Create a Team Project

The next step is to go to the VisualStudio.com and to create a new team project with New team project. 

Give the Team project a proper project name, give the project a Description, choose the type of version control and choose the type of project type with Work Item process. Choose Create.

Now, the project is created in Team Projects and an overview is given about the project.

Step 3:  Connect to the Team Project environment

The next step is to find the Team Explorer in Visual Studio, and there are several options to choose from. In this case, select the Connect link of the Visual Studio Team Services.

The window "Connect to Team Foundation Server" appears and now the url is needed of name of the Visual Studio Team services account. Select the option "Servers".

Press the Servers button and Add a new server. Login in with your account and press sign in

The following window appears

Connecting with the Visual Studio Team Services and select the Team projects.

Step 4: Setup a workspace

In Visual Studio it is needed that there is a local workspace to work with. This is a local copy of the code of the central repository. Click on Configure Workspace.

Next step is to Map & Get the local workspace with the central repository

When the Map&Get is successfully a message is presented : "The workspace was mapped successfully"

Step 5: Add the project to Source control / Team Projects

Now the workspace and the central repository is connected and now it 's time to add the local solution to the Visual Studio Team Services by clicking on Add Solution to Source Control.

Now, it is important to set the location in Visual Studio Team Services. Press OK when  this is done

Now the projects are marked with a + sign indicating that the files are ready to check in Visual Studio Team Services.

Right click on the solution and click on Check in to upload the code the repository.

Add some comment, check if everything is ok and press Check in

A confirmation window appears and click on Yes.

A confirmation is shown to the usr that the code is successfully checked in

Step 6: Do some changes in the local VS project

Now, let's see what happens when something changes in the code. In the initial situation the code is locked and check in.

For instance let's add a SSIS package to the SSIS project.

Two packages were added to the local Workspace. You can see this below Package1 and Package2.

Because the SSIS Packages are added to the project(file), the project (file) is also marked as changed and therefore this should be uploaded to the repository too.

Select the Project and click on the Source Control option.

An overview is shown of the new and changed packages. Click on Check in.

Step 7: The check the online Visual Studio Team Services environment

The last step is checking the online Visual Studio Team Services environment where the code is now stored.


In this blogpost I've described the setup of Visual Studio and Visual Studio Team Services working together such that version control of your BI project is enhanced.