One step in a SQL data warehouse DevOps project is to deploy a SSAS tabular project on an instance. In this blogpost I'm going to show you a script that I'm using for deploying SSAS tabular cubes. As inspiration for creating the deployment script, I used information from a blogger Harbinger Singh. I had to make some changes to the script to make it work in my situation.Steps
In the script, I've created a couple of blocks of code :- An array of cubes, I want to deploy to the server. This will help me control which cubes to deploy. Another option is to loop over the content of a folder and deploy the cubes.
- Create a loop and loop through the array.
- Check if the cube is present and print a warning if it can't find the cube.
- Adjust the .asdatabase file database connectionstrings. I've multiple connections to databases and they must be changed.
- Adjust the .deploymenttargets file database connectionstring.
- Generate a .configsettings file. This file is not generated with the build of a SSAS tabular model.
- Adjust .configsettings file database connectionstrings with the desired connectionstrings.
- Not every cube uses a connectionstring to two databases. There is check whether there is a DWH_Control connectionstring in the .configsettings file.
- Adjust .deploymentoptions file database connectionstrings.
- Create the xmla script with AnalysisServices.Deployment wizard.
- The last step is to deploy the xmla script to the server with Invoke-ASCmd.
The code
The complete script is written below.#--------------------------------------------------------------------- # AllCubes.SSASTAB.Dev.Script # #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # General variables $path = "C:\<directory>" $SSASServer = "localhost" $DwDBnameDM = "DWH_Datamart" $DwDBnameCTRL = "DWH_Control" $DwServerName = "localhost" # Structure bimname, CubeDB, modelname $CubeArray = @( ("<filename1>" , "<cubeDB1>" , "<modelname1>"), ("<filename2>" , "<cubeDB2>" , "<modelname2>") ) cls Write-Host "------------------------------------" foreach ($element in $CubeArray) { $bim = $element[0] $CubeDB = $element[1] $CubeModelName = $element[2] $AsDBpath = "$path\$bim.asdatabase" $DepTargetpath = "$path\$bim.deploymenttargets" $ConfigPath = "$path\$bim.configsettings" $DeployOption = "$path\$bim.deploymentoptions" $SsasDBconnection = "DataSource=$SsasServer;Timeout=0" $DwDbDMConnString = "Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Data Source=$DwServerName;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=$DwDBnameDM" $DwDbCTRLConnString = "Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Data Source=$DwServerName;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=$DwDBnameCTRL" $IsDMConnStrPresent = [bool]0 $IsCTRLConnStrPresent = [bool]0 if (!(Test-Path $AsDBpath)) { Write-Warning "$AsDBpath absent from location" Write-Host "------------------------------------" continue } #Adjust .asdatabase file database connectionstring $json = (Get-Content $AsDBpath -raw) | ConvertFrom-Json $json.model.dataSources | % {if($ -eq 'DWH_DataMart'){$_.connectionString=$DwDbDMConnString ; $IsDMConnStrPresent=[bool]1 }} $json.model.dataSources | % {if($ -eq 'DWH_Control'){$_.connectionString=$DwDbCTRLConnString ; $IsCTRLConnStrPresent=[bool]1 }} $json | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 | set-content $AsDBpath #Adjust .deploymenttargets file database connectionstring $xml = [xml](Get-Content $DepTargetpath) $xml.Data.Course.Subject $node = $xml.DeploymentTarget $node.Database = $CubeDB $node = $xml.DeploymentTarget $node.Server = $SsasServer $node = $xml.DeploymentTarget $node.ConnectionString = $SsasDBconnection $xml.Save($DepTargetpath) # generate .configsettings as this file is not generated with the build. if (($IsDMConnStrPresent) -and ($IsCTRLConnStrPresent)) { '<ConfigurationSettings xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ddl2="" xmlns:ddl2_2="" xmlns:ddl100_100="" xmlns:ddl200="" xmlns:ddl200_200="" xmlns:ddl300="" xmlns:ddl300_300="" xmlns:ddl400="" xmlns:ddl400_400="" xmlns:ddl500="" xmlns:ddl500_500="" xmlns:dwd=""> <Database> <DataSources> <DataSource> <ID>DWH_DataMart</ID> <ConnectionString>Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=DWH_Datamart</ConnectionString> <ManagedProvider> </ManagedProvider> <ImpersonationInfo> <ImpersonationMode xmlns="">ImpersonateServiceAccount</ImpersonationMode> <Account xmlns=""> </Account> <Password xmlns=""> </Password> <ImpersonationInfoSecurity xmlns="">Unchanged</ImpersonationInfoSecurity> </ImpersonationInfo> </DataSource> <DataSource> <ID>DWH_Control</ID> <ConnectionString>Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=DWH_Control</ConnectionString> <ManagedProvider> </ManagedProvider> <ImpersonationInfo> <ImpersonationMode xmlns="">ImpersonateServiceAccount</ImpersonationMode> <Account xmlns=""> </Account> <Password xmlns=""> </Password> <ImpersonationInfoSecurity xmlns="">Unchanged</ImpersonationInfoSecurity> </ImpersonationInfo> </DataSource> </DataSources> </Database> </ConfigurationSettings>' | Out-File -FilePath $path\$bim.configsettings } else { '<ConfigurationSettings xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ddl2="" xmlns:ddl2_2="" xmlns:ddl100_100="" xmlns:ddl200="" xmlns:ddl200_200="" xmlns:ddl300="" xmlns:ddl300_300="" xmlns:ddl400="" xmlns:ddl400_400="" xmlns:ddl500="" xmlns:ddl500_500="" xmlns:dwd=""> <Database> <DataSources> <DataSource> <ID>DWH_DataMart</ID> <ConnectionString>Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=DWH_Datamart</ConnectionString> <ManagedProvider> </ManagedProvider> <ImpersonationInfo> <ImpersonationMode xmlns="">ImpersonateServiceAccount</ImpersonationMode> <Account xmlns=""> </Account> <Password xmlns=""> </Password> <ImpersonationInfoSecurity xmlns="">Unchanged</ImpersonationInfoSecurity> </ImpersonationInfo> </DataSource> </DataSources> </Database> </ConfigurationSettings>' | Out-File -FilePath $path\$bim.configsettings } #Adjust .configsettings file database connectionstring $xml = [xml](Get-Content $ConfigPath) $xml.Data.Course.Subject $nodeDM = $xml.ConfigurationSettings.Database.DataSources.DataSource | ? { $_.ID -eq $DwDBnameDM } $nodeDM.ConnectionString = $DwDbDMConnString $nodeCTRL = $xml.ConfigurationSettings.Database.DataSources.DataSource | ? { $_.ID -eq $DwDBnameCTRL } # In case here is not a DWH_Control Connectionstring in the .configsettings file if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($nodeCTRL)) { $nodeCTRL.ConnectionString = $DwDbCTRLConnString $xml.Save($ConfigPath) } #Adjust .deploymentoptions file database connectionstring $xml = [xml](Get-Content $DeployOption) $xml.Data.Course.Subject $node = $xml.DeploymentOptions $node.ProcessingOption = "DoNotProcess" $xml.Save($DeployOption) # Create the xmla script with AnalysisServices.Deployment wizard Write-Host "Deploying Cube : $CubeDB" $path = $path cd $path $exe = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Tools\Binn\ManagementStudio\Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Deployment.exe" $param1 = $bim + ".asdatabase" $param2 = "/s:" + $bim + ".txt" $param3 = "/o:" + $bim + ".xmla" $param4 = "/d" &($exe)($param1)($param2)($param3)($param4) Write-Host "Importing SQL modules..." # import modules if ((Get-Module -ListAvailable | where-object {($_.Name -eq 'SqlServer') -and ($_.Version.Major -gt 20) } |Measure).Count -eq 1){ # implementation of new sql modules migated into new location Import-Module SqlServer -DisableNameChecking } else{ # fallback for SQLPS Import-Module SQLPS -DisableNameChecking -Verbose } Write-Host "Invoking deployment script... This may take several minutes." Invoke-ASCmd -Server:$SsasServer -InputFile $path\$bim.xmla | Out-File $path\$bim.xml Write-Host "Please check $path\$bim.xml as this is output of this deployment" Write-Host "Done." Write-Host "------------------------------------" }
Final thoughts
Although it is quite a script, it is fairly easy to setup and deploy a cube with a Powershell script. In order to use it in Azure DevOps you have to replace some of the variables with the Azure DevOps variables to make it work as you desire.
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