dinsdag 6 augustus 2019

DevOps series : tSQLt, Visual Studio and Azure DevOps


Currently using and investigating tSQLt in a data warehouse project in a complicated environment with multiple developers, datamodellers and testers. I decided to investigate on how using Visual Studio together with the tSQLt framework and using that in Azure DevOps. This blogpost is just one step in the process of researching tSQLt  together with Visual Studio and Azure DevOps. I'm not stating that this is the final solution on how to DevOpsing with tSQLt. Finetuning alert ahead ;-) I'll blog about that in the future. I am using AdventureWorksLT2017 as an example project for this experiment.

I'm not covering all of the details of tSQLt, Visual Studio and Azure DevOps, but I will show how to set up a project with AdventureWorksLT2017, tSQLt framework and together with some tests in Visual Studio end Azure DevOPs

Inspiration for this blog is from Nikolai Thomassen. I found more information from blogposts like these from Sandra Walters and Medium.com. Many thanks to these contributors.

The local environment

I've a VM with a development environment together with Visual Studio 2017 professional, SSDT installed, SSMS with Git support, connected with Azure DevOps. On this machine, I've created a set of Visual Studio projects and databases. I've depicted that in the following diagram.

So there are a couple of parts in this diagram :
  • The visual studio project (green boxes).
  • Database references (green lines).
  • Deployment to the different database projects (blue lines and blue cylinders).

The Visual Studio project

I've created one solution with three projects:
  • AdventureWorksLT2017. This is the development project where all of the database code is stored. It contains the table definitions, views, stored procedures and all other database objects. 
  • AdventureWorksLT2017.framework.tsqlt. This is the project where the framework is installed. one of the reasons doing so, is that you can update the framework regardless of the tests and the database project. 
  • AdventureWorksLT2017.tests. This is the project where all the test definitions aka the unittesting procedures are stored.

Now, this setup will make sure that the different parts of the project are deployed in their targeted environment. One of the issues I had, when I started is that the tSQLt was installed at my development database and with this setup. The development code (AdventureWorksLT2017) is now more separated from the tSQLt code and test procedures (AdventureWorksLT2017_CI).

Importing the TSQLt in your project can be a bit tricky but I assume you can do it!

Database references

Now, in order to make this work it is necessary to set up the projects with a so called composite project. Composite projects are projects that are part of a database. Normally a Database Reference (as it says) is a reference to a whole database : a project is a database. This can be very unhandy.

For composite projects it is necessary to set up a Database Reference with Database Location set up : "Same Database".

Deployment to databases

I've created some publish files at my projects for deploying the projects to the databases. I've created them for my local deployment but these can also be used in the Test release or other release environment.

The testproject

Now, the testproject is not much different than that of Nicolai. I've created a test procedure that will test whether a value of color is inserted in the column Color with the stored procedure InsertProduct.

CREATE PROCEDURE [tsqlttests].[test_insert_Product_check_if_color_is_inserted ]

DECLARE @ProductNumber NVARCHAR = '12345';
DECLARE @StandardCost MONEY = 1 ;
DECLARE @ListPrice      MONEY = 2;
DECLARE @SellStartDate DATETIME = '2019-07-31';
DECLARE @Color   NVARCHAR (15)  = 'Yellow';

EXEC SalesLT.InsertProduct 
  @Name    = @Name
    ,@ProductNumber  = @ProductNumber 
    ,@Color    = @Color
    ,@StandardCost  = @StandardCost
    ,@ListPrice   = @ListPrice
    ,@SellStartDate     = @SellStartDate

DECLARE @Actual NVARCHAR = (SELECT TOP 1 Color FROM SalesLT.Product)

EXEC tSQLt.AssertEqualsString @Color, @Actual, 'Color name was not saved when @color was given'


This stored procedure is shown below :

  @Name     [dbo].[Name]   
    ,@ProductNumber          NVARCHAR (25)    
    ,@Color                  NVARCHAR (15)
    ,@StandardCost           MONEY  
    ,@ListPrice              MONEY
    ,@Size                   NVARCHAR (5)
    ,@Weight                 DECIMAL (8, 2)
    ,@ProductCategoryID      INT
    ,@ProductModelID         INT  
    ,@SellStartDate          DATETIME 
    ,@SellEndDate            DATETIME  
    ,@DiscontinuedDate       DATETIME   
    ,@ThumbNailPhoto         VARBINARY (MAX)
    ,@ThumbnailPhotoFileName NVARCHAR (50) 


The procedure will not insert a value and therefore the test will go wrong.

The DevOps Environment

The next step is setting up the Azure DevOps environment. I assume you have some basic knowledge of Azure DevOps. I'm not showing all of the basics here. In the following diagram, I'm showing a basic Build, Test and Release process that we are going to follow.

We have a local environment and we have a DevOps environment. The local environment is already described in the previous section. So what will happen when we are done, is that the code is committed to the Git database, where the build process is started to make sure that code is correct. Next step in the process is that the code is deployed to a CI environment. This will be executed with the dacpac from the test project. When the tests are done, it will deploy to TST environment for user testing.

The build process

The build process is executed in the Build part of Azure DevOps. Now, I'm not sure where Microsoft is heading with this, but it seems that YAML code writing will be the preferred way, in contrast with a half a year ago, when click and go was the way doing it. I've created the following YAML script:

  name: Hosted Windows 2019 with VS2019
  demands: msbuild

  BuildConfiguration: 'Debug'

- task: MSBuild@1
    solution: '**/*.sln'
    msbuildArguments: '/property:DSP="Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql.SqlAzureV12DatabaseSchemaProvider"'

- task: CopyFiles@2
  displayName: 'Copy Files from Build to Artifact folder'
    SourceFolder: ''
    Contents: '**\bin\$(BuildConfiguration)\**.dacpac'
    flattenFolders: true 
    TargetFolder: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'

- task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
  displayName: 'Publish Artifact: AdventureWorksLT2017'
    ArtifactName: 'AdventureWorksLT2017'

Notice the msbuild argument : /property:DSP="Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql.SqlAzureV12DatabaseSchemaProvider". This is necessary to build the code for Azure databases. Locally I'm using SQL Server 2016  and I want to keep it that way, but when I deploy the code to Azure I must have to be Azure compatible. More information at medium.com.

The build process will deliver three (or four) dacpacs. These will be used for the release process.

The release process

I've setup the release process in two steps. One release and test on the CI database and one on the TST database. These database have different goals. The CI database uses the test dacpac and the TST database uses the AdventureWorksLT2017 dacpac. This makes sense because you don't want to deploy the test procedures to the TST database. So, the process is depicted below.

First step is to get the artefacts from the Artefacts folder and this is passed to the CI and TST release process.

The steps in the CI release process are presented below :

Most of the steps are quite straightforward. I borrowed the Powershell script from Nicolai and it worked like a charm.

$connectionString = "Server=tcp:devhennie.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=AdventureWorksLT2017_CI;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=xxxxxx;Password=xxxxxxxx;MultipleActiveResultSets=False;Encrypt=True;TrustServerCertificate=False;Connection Timeout=30;"

$sqlCommand = 'BEGIN TRY EXEC tSQLt.RunAll END TRY BEGIN CATCH END CATCH; EXEC tSQLt.XmlResultFormatter'

$connection = new-object system.data.SqlClient.SQLConnection($connectionString)
$command = new-object system.data.sqlclient.sqlcommand($sqlCommand,$connection)

$adapter = New-Object System.Data.sqlclient.sqlDataAdapter $command
$dataset = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
$adapter.Fill($dataSet) | Out-Null

$dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0].ItemArray[0] | Out-File "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/_AdventureWorksLT2017/AdventureWorksLT2017/testresults.xml"

I've executed the following script, in order to retrieve the output.


This is the output. This is readable by the test process in Azure DevOps.

  <testsuite id="1" name="tsqlttests" tests="1" errors="1" failures="0" timestamp="2019-08-07T06:55:29" time="0.077" hostname="devhennie" package="tSQLt">
    <properties />
    <testcase classname="tsqlttests" name="test_insert_Product_check_if_color_is_inserted " time="0.077">
      <error message="Procedure or function 'InsertProduct' expects parameter '@Size', which was not supplied.[16,4]{SalesLT.InsertProduct,0}" type="SQL Error" />
    <system-out />
    <system-err />

When the testing is done, an overview is created in the Test tab in Azure DevOps. This is a nice integration with tSQLt and Azure DevOps.

Final thoughts

It was quite some work to figure it out but it was fruitful in the end. I had some great help with this blog from Nikolai Thomassen. He described some tweaks that I didn't know. I learned some interesting stuff again!


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