One of my targets in the coming year is to learn more about Azure. Recent news shows that Microsoft earnings on Azure is increasing quite a lot and cloud seems to be the future. I've already invested in courses like the Microsoft professional program Data science and the Big data program. These courses are a great resource if you want to know more about big data solutions with Azure and data science with AzureML and R. As said before, I feel more and more confident and familiar with the Azure environment and it's time to pass some Microsoft exams. The first one is the exam 40-473 : Designing and Implementing Cloud Data Platform Solutions. This exam is about the relational databases like SQL Server, Azure SQL database, MySQL and ProgresSQL. The latter two have been added in June 2017 and replaced the SQL Data warehouse section. Why ? I don't know. I'm not into MySQL and PostgresSQL but I want to pass the exam! Therefore I need to study some things I don't really need for my day-to-day basis of work.Now, I got the idea from MSSQLTips to copy the content of the requirements of the exam and search for relevant content and add them to exam requirements. I've used most of the information that was already present, but reorganized and added my own links for studying the items.
General sources
Now for this exams I studied quite some resources. These are sometimes generic information about SQL Server, SQL database, Azure or else. These help you with some background information:
- Stairway to Azure SQL Database
- Scott Duffy on Udemy
- Barry luijbregts on Pluralsight
- Microsoft 70-473 Exam
- MSSQLTips : Exam material for the Microsoft 70-473, Designing and Implementing Cloud Data Platform Solutions
- Microsoft Professional Program : Cloud administration
General Microsoft Azure information
1. Design and implement database solutions for Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Azure SQL Database
1.1 Design a hybrid SQL Server solution
- Design a disaster recovery topology for a hybrid deployment.
- Disaster Recovery and High Availability for Azure Applications
- High availability and Disaster Recovery for SQL Server in Azure Virtual Machines
- SQL Server Hybrid High Availability and Disaster Recovery
- Disaster Recovery to Azure enhanced, and we’re listening!
- Designing globally available services using Azure SQL Database
- Design a data storage architecture
- SQL Server stretch database.
- Ins and outs of SQL Server Stretch database
- Choose a cloud SQL Server option: Azure SQL (PaaS) Database or SQL Server on Azure VMs (IaaS)
- Extending on-premises data solutions to the cloud
- Design a security architecture
- Azure security best practices and patterns
- An overview of Azure SQL Database security capabilities
- Always Encrypted
- Transparant Data Encryption(TDE)
- Design a data load strategy
- Three reasons Azure SQL Database is best for SQL Server migrations
- SQL Server database migration to Azure SQL Database
- Azure SQL hybrid data movement
- Migrating to Azure SQL Database with zero downtime for read-only workloads
- Migrate your SQL Server database to Azure SQL Database using DMA
- Design a data synchronization strategy
1.2 Implement SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines (VMs)
- Provision SQL Server on an Azure VM
- SQL Server in an Azure Virtual Machine
- How to provision a Windows SQL Server virtual machine in the Azure portal
- Configure firewall rules
- Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse firewall rules
- Connect to a SQL Server Virtual Machine on Azure
- SQL SERVER – Setting Firewall Settings With Azure SQL Server VMs
- Configure and optimize storage
- Storage configuration for SQL Server VMs
- Storage Configuration Guidelines for SQL Server on Azure VM
- Migrate an on-premises database to Microsoft Azure
- Migrate your SQL Server database to Azure SQL Database using DMA
- SQL Server database migration to Azure SQL Database
- Migrate on-premises SQL Server or SQL Server on Azure VMs to Azure SQL Database using the Data Migration Assistant
- Tutorial: Migrate SQL Server to Azure SQL Database offline using DMS
- How To Migrate From On-Premises To Azure SQL Database
- Configure and optimize VM sizes by workload
1.3 Design a database solution on Azure SQL database and SQL Server in Azure
- Design a solution architecture
- Design a Geo/DR topology
- Overview: Active geo-replication and auto-failover groups
- Configure active geo-replication for Azure SQL Database in the Azure portal and initiate failover
- SQL Database: How to Configure Active Geo-Replication
- SQL Database Enable Geo Replication in Azure Porta
- Design a security architecture
- An overview of Azure SQL Database security capabilities
- Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse access control
- Design a data load strategy
- Azure SQL hybrid data movement
- Copying data from Azure Blob Storage
- Load data into SQL Server or Azure SQL Database with SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)
- Load data from CSV into Azure SQL Database (flat files)
- Azure Data Factory and SSIS compared
- Import and export data from SQL Server and Azure SQL Database
- Determine the appropriate service tier
- Azure SQL Database purchasing models
- Performance in the new Azure SQL Database Service Tiers
- DTU-based service tiers
- vCore service tiers, Azure Hybrid Benefit, and migration
- Determine the appropriate deployment scenario
- Azure SQL database deployment
- SQL Server database migration to Azure SQL Database
- Migrate your SQL Server database to Azure SQL Database using DMA
- Deploying a SQL database to Azure with SQL Server Management Studio
- How to deploy an Azure SQL Database
- Azure SQL DB - Technical deployment
- Determine IaaS vs PaaS
- Choose a cloud SQL Server option: Azure SQL (PaaS) Database or SQL Server on Azure VMs (IaaS)
- SQL Database
- How should I compare Azure SQL Database (PaaS) to SQL Server running on a Azure VM (IaaS)?
- IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS explained
- Choose the Right Azure SQL Platform for Your Data
- SQL Server in Azure: Compare PaaS (SQLDB) and IaaS (Virtual Machine)
- SQL Server Features and Basic Comparison at IaaS vs PaaS vs On Premise
- Determine application access in Azure
- Best practices for securing PaaS databases in Azure
- Managing access to apps
- Application and service principal objects in Azure Active Directory
- Assign users and groups to an application in Azure Active Directory
- What is application access and single sign-on with Azure Active Directory?
- Manage access using RBAC and the Azure portal
- Application and service principal objects in Azure Active Directory
- Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse access control
- Controlling and granting database access to SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse
- Use Azure Active Directory Authentication for authentication with SQL
1.4 Implement Azure SQL Database
- Provision Azure SQL Database
- Configure firewall rules
- Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse firewall rules
- Use PowerShell to create a single Azure SQL database and configure a firewall rule
- Configure Active Geo-Replication
- Configure Active Geo-Replication
- Configure active geo-replication for Azure SQL Database in the Azure portal and initiate failover
- Azure SQL Database Standard Geo-Replication
- Migrate an on-premises database to SQL Database
- Migrate your SQL Server database to Azure SQL Database using DMA
- SQL Server database migration to Azure SQL Database
- How To Move or Migrate SQL Server Workload to Azure SQL Database Cloud Services or Azure VM
- Migrate Between Azure SQL Database and SQL Server
- Configure for scale and performance
1.5 Design and implement MySQL and PostgreSQL database solutions in Azure
- General information
- What is Azure Database for MySQL?
- Announcing Azure Database for PostgreSQL Preview
- Azure Database for MySQL Documentation
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL Documentation
- Design security
- Tutorial: Design an Azure Database for MySQL database using the Azure portal
- Application development overview for Azure Database for MySQL
- Securing Azure Database for MySQL and Azure Database for PostgreSQL
- Create users in Azure Database for MySQL server
- Design a data load strategy
- Migrate your MySQL database to Azure Database for MySQL using dump and restore
- Replicate data into Azure Database for MySQL
- Determine the appropriate service tier
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL pricing tiers
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL pricing
- Limitations in Azure Database for PostgreSQL
- Azure Database for MySQL pricing tiers
- Limitations in Azure Database for MySQL
- Provision databases and servers
- Tutorial: Design an Azure Database for PostgreSQL using the Azure portal
- Create an Azure Database for MySQL server by using the Azure portal
- Configure firewall rules
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL Server firewall rules
- Create and manage Azure Database for PostgreSQL firewall rules using Azure CL
- Azure Database for MySQL server firewall rule
- Create and manage Azure Database for MySQL firewall rules by using the Azure portal
- Azure Database for PostgreSQL Server firewall rules
- Migrate to Azure
- Migrate your PostgreSQL database using dump and restore
- Migrate your PostgreSQL database using export and import
- Migrate your MySQL database to Azure Database for MySQL using dump and restore
- Minimal-downtime migration to Azure Database for MySQL
- Migrate your MySQL applications to Azure with minimal downtime using the Azure Database Migration Service
- Configure for scale and performance
2 Design and Implement Security
2.1 Design and implement SQL Server Database security
- Configure firewalls
- Configure the Windows Firewall to Allow SQL Server Access
- Configuring the Azure SQL Database Firewall
- Manage logins, users, and roles
- Server and Database Roles in SQL Server
- Managing Logins, Users, and Schemas How-to Topics
- Create a Database User
- Database-Level Roles
- Assign permissions
- Permissions (Database Engine)
- GRANT Database Permissions (Transact-SQL)
- Lesson 2: Configure permissions on database objects
- Authorization and Permissions in SQL Server
- Configure auditing
- SQL Server Audit (Database Engine)
- Create a Server Audit and Database Audit Specification
- Get started with SQL database auditing
- Configure Transparent Database Encryption (TDE)
- Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
- How to configure Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) in SQL Server
- How to monitor and manage Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) in SQL Server
- Configure row-level security
- Row-Level Security
- SQL Server 2016 Row Level Security – A Practical Example
- SQL Server data security feature RLS (Row-Level Security) and GDPR
- Configure data encryption
- Configure data masking
- Use Dynamic Data Masking to obfuscate your sensitive data
- Dynamic Data Masking
- Using Dynamic Data Masking in SQL Server 2016 to protect sensitive data
- Configure Always Encrypted
2.2 Design and implement Azure SQL Database security
- Configure firewalls
- Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse firewall rules
- Azure SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse access control
- Configuring the Azure SQL Database Firewall
- Manage logins, users, and roles
- Assign permissions
- Configure auditing;
- Configure row-level security
- Configure data encryption;
- Configure data masking
- SQL Database dynamic data masking
- Get started with SQL Database dynamic data masking with the Azure portal
- Configure Always Encrypted
- Configure Automatic Threat Detection
3 Design for high availablity, Disaster recovery and scalability
3.1 Design and implement high availability solutions
- Design a high-availability solution topology
- High availability and disaster recovery for SQL Server in Azure Virtual Machines
- Designing globally available services using Azure SQL Database
- Design a high-availability solution for SQL on Azure VMs
- Manage the availability of Windows virtual machines in Azure
- Multi-region N-tier application for high availability
- Implement high-availability solutions
3.2 Design and implement scalable solutions
- Design a scale-out solution
- Scaling out with Azure SQL Database
- Use read-only replicas to load balance read-only query workloads (preview)
- Scaling out with Azure SQL Database
- Implement multi-master scenarios with database replication
- Implement elastic scale for Azure SQL Database
3.3 Design and implement Azure SQL Database data recovery
- Implement self-service restore
- Azure SQL Database Point in Time Restore
- Recover an Azure SQL database using automated database backups
- Copy and export databases
- Copy an transactionally consistent copy of an Azure SQL database
- Export an Azure SQL database to a BACPAC file
- Databases in Azure: Copy and Exports
- Implement long-term retention backups
4 Monitor and manage database implementations in Azure
4.1 Monitor and troubleshoot SQL Server VMs on Azure
- Monitor database and instance activity
- Monitor by using DMVs and DMFs
- Monitor performance and scalability
- Monitor and troubleshoot SQL Database
4.3 Monitor and troubleshoot SQL Database
- Monitor database activity
- Monitor by using DMVs and DMFs
- Monitoring Azure SQL Database using dynamic management views
- How SQL Server DMVs Can Be a Savior in SQL Azure, Too
- Monitor performance and scalability
4.4 Automate and manage database implementations on Azure
- Automate and manage SQL Server on Azure VMs
- Automate management tasks on Azure Virtual Machines with the SQL Server Agent Extension (Resource Manager)
- Automating SQL Server VM Configuration using Custom Script Extension
- Automate and manage Azure SQL Database
- Configure automation and runbooks
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